National Library of New Zealand
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Upcoming events
Wed 4 Dec, 12:10pm to 1pm Kāwai: Empowering and educating readers about New Zealand’s past
Fri 6 Dec, 9am to 2:30pm Cultivating keen readers — Auckland
Sat 25 Jan, 10am to 1pm Desire lines: Finding pathways through archives
See all events
Celebrating Solomon Islands Pidgin Language Week
A recently digitised gem from New Zealand’s musical past.
An audiovisual digital preservation project with Archives NZ and Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision.
Get National Library materials sent to your local library by making an interloan request. And more.
Borrow for an exhibition
You can borrow items from the Alexander Turnbull Library collections to use in public exhibitions in New Zealand or internationally.
Open data
Data sets and API access to metadata for millions of records. Grab it and see what you can make!
Our strategic directions
Turning knowledge into value: this is the National Library's strategic direction to 2030.
See how we're aiming for big changes in taonga, knowledge, and reading.
Preservation advice
Learn how to take care of your precious photographs, books, and digital documents with advice from the National Preservation Office.