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National Library of New Zealand

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National Library CatalogueSearch our published collections, including books, magazines, audio, and websites.

Turnbull Archival Catalogue (Tiaki)Search our unpublished collections, including manuscripts, images, and audio.

Image searchBrowse and search half a million digital images

Papers PastMillions of pages of historic NZ newspapers

National Library e-resourcesSearch electronic resources from around the world

PublicationsNZSearch everything published in New Zealand

Use the Library

ResearchersStart your research at the Alexander Turnbull Library

LibrariansUse Te Puna, EPIC and other National Library services

Publishers & AuthorsGet an ISBN, a CiP record, and advice about Legal Deposit

SchoolsSupport for school libraries and learning

BusinessThe information you need, quickly and easily

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Flickr Commons

Detail of a painting of a bird

Open access high-res images for you to use.

Free to download and use


An audiovisual digital preservation project with Archives NZ and Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision.

Load the precious freight on board!

Oral history advice

A woman wearing headphones, taking part in oral history training.

Oral history advice and workshops to get you started, or hone your skills.

Become an oral historian


Interloaned material being handed to a patron.

Get National Library materials sent to your local library by making an interloan request. And more.

Our books in your hands

Borrow for an exhibition

You can borrow items from the Alexander Turnbull Library collections to use in public exhibitions in New Zealand or internationally.

Get in touch

Open data

Detail of Light output chart, 1970.

Data sets and API access to metadata for millions of records. Grab it and see what you can make!

Build new things

Our strategic directions

Turning knowledge into value: this is the National Library's strategic direction to 2030.

See how we're aiming for big changes in taonga, knowledge, and reading.

Read the strategy

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa
The National Library acknowledges the support of Air New Zealand through the Te Puna Foundation
National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa
National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa
National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa
The National Library acknowledges the support of Air New Zealand through the Te Puna Foundation